Trenerg Ltd - Introduction

As a Data Operator, Trenerg Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Trenerg Ltd, the Service Provider, the Data Operator) acknowledges that it is bound by the contents of this Privacy Policy and undertakes to comply with all data management practices relating to its services as set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Trenerg Ltd warrants that your personal data will be kept confidential and will take all security, organizational and technical measures that will safeguard your data security.

Trenerg Ltd's Privacy Policy is contained in this Privacy Policy, which is in accordance with the applicable data protection law. This privacy statement is permanently available on the TRENERG website at

Trenerg Ltd reserves the right to change this information at any time. In any case, stakeholders will be informed in good time of any changes. If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, please email us at

2. Definitions

Personal Data: Any data that can be associated with any specific (identified or identifiable) natural person (hereinafter referred to as "the Data Subject"), and the deduction of data related to the Data Subject. Personal data will retain this quality during data management as long as the relationship with the data subject can be restored. In particular, a person shall be deemed to be identifiable if, directly or indirectly, he or she is identifiable by name, identification mark or one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity;

Consent: a voluntary and determined expression of the wish of the data subject, based on appropriate information and giving unambiguous consent to the processing of personal data concerning him or her, whether full or specific;

Objection: a statement by the data subject that he / she objects to the processing of his / her personal data and requests the termination of the data processing or the deletion of the processed data;

Data Operator: any natural or legal person, or any entity without legal personality, who determines and implements the purposes of data management (including the device used) or executes with a data processor mandated by it;

Data Management: Any operation or combination of operations, including the collection, recording, recording, filing, filing, altering, using, transmitting, publishing, coordinating or linking, locking, deleting and destruction of data, irrespective of the procedure used preventing further use. Data management includes the taking of photographs, sound or images and the recording of physical characteristics such as fingerprints, palm prints, DNA samples, iris images;

Data transfer: when the data is made available to a specific third party;

Disclosure: when the information is made available to anyone;

Data erasure: making data unrecognizable in such a way that it is no longer possible to recover it;

Data processing: performing technical tasks related to data management operations, irrespective of the method and means used to carry out the operations and the place of application;

Data Operator: any natural or legal person, or any entity without legal personality, who processes personal data on behalf of the operator;

Third party: any natural or legal person, or any entity without legal personality, who is not the data subject, the data operator or the data processor;

Third Country: Any State that is not an EEA State.

3. Trenerg Ltd Privacy Policy

Personal data can be managed if

(a) the data subject has confirmed their consent to it, or

b) it is ordered by law or by decree of a local authority, within the scope of the law.

The consent of the legal representative shall be required for the declaration of the incapacitated and incapacitated minor, except for those parts of the service where the declaration is intended for mass registration in everyday life and does not require special consideration.

Personal data may only be processed for a specific purpose in order to exercise rights and fulfill obligations. At all stages of data management, this purpose must be met. Only personal data that is necessary for the fulfillment of the purpose of the data management, and to the extent and for the time necessary to achieve the purpose, may be processed.

Personal data may only be processed with the informed consent. The data subject shall be clearly and fully informed of all facts relating to the processing of his or her data, in particular the purpose and legal basis of the processing, the identity of the data operator, the duration of the processing and the persons who may access it. The information should also cover the data subject's rights and remedies.

Personal data processed must meet the following requirements:

(a) they are recruited and handled fairly and lawfully;

(b) accurate, complete and, where necessary, kept up to date;

(c) the manner in which they are stored is such that the data subject can be identified only for the time necessary to achieve the purpose for which they are stored. It is forbidden to use a generic and uniform identification number that can be used without restriction.

Personal data may be transmitted and various data management processes may be linked if the data subject has consented or permitted by law and the conditions of data management for each personal data are met.

Personal data (including sensitive data) may be transferred from a country to a operator or processor in a third country, irrespective of the medium or mode of transmission, if the data subject has expressly consented or permitted by law and the data transferred to the third country processing and processing of personal data shall ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data. The transfer of data to EEA States shall be deemed to take place within the territory of the European Union. Trenerg Ltd may be contacted by a court, prosecutor, investigating authority or other legal authority for the purpose of providing information, communicating data, transmitting data or providing documents. The request must specify the exact purpose of the data management and the scope of the data requested. The request may relate only to such personal data as are strictly necessary for the purpose of the request.

4. Purpose, legal basis, duration and scope of the processing of personal data

Data processing for Trenerg Ltd services is based on voluntary consent, if the user does not provide his or her personal information, it is the user's responsibility to obtain the consent of the data subject.

4.1. Manage data received with a one-time information request

Purpose of data management: to complete a questionnaire to prepare a possible privacy policy.

Legal basis for data management: voluntary consent of the data subject, Infotv. Section 5 (1),

Stakeholders' Rights: All Stakeholders may request the rectification, updating and deletion of their personal data if they do not wish to continue using Trenerg Ltd. Interested persons may request the deletion of their personal information by email to Stakeholders have the right to object to unlawful data processing (Trenerg Ltd at in the event of a violation of their rights, and to seek legal redress from the courts or the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority.

Duration of data processing, deadline for deletion of data: until withdrawal of consent or analysis of the questionnaire.

Data Security: Personal data is stored and processed at the TRENERG Headquarters. Trenerg Ltd will take all administrative, computer and physical security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access or loss. Should you have any questions or problems while using the services of Trenerg Ltd, you may send them to Trenerg Ltd will delete incoming mail, along with the sender's name and e-mail address, as well as other voluntarily provided personal information within six months of the matter being settled.

4.2. Manage the cookie on

Cookie Policy

Like almost every website, uses cookies to provide the most personalized web service possible to the user. Without the use of cookies we cannot operate all the functions of the website.

A cookie is short text information that is downloaded to the hard disk of a user's computer through a browser, so that the Website can remember the user.

Cookies alone are not capable of identifying the user. A cookie typically contains the name of the domain from which the cookie came, in addition to the cookie's lifetime, and a value that is typically a randomly generated unique number string. More information about cookies is available at

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Under the new legal regulations, is required to obtain the user's consent before using cookies.

As you can see, every page of the website has clear information on this.

If the user continues to use the site after accepting the information, assumes that it is appropriate for the user to use the cookies as described above.

The purpose of using cookies is to help the website provide the best possible experience for the user.

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5. Storage and security of personal data

Trenerg Ltd's IT systems and other data storage locations are located at 3530 Miskolc, Lenke utca 18 at its headquarters. Trenerg Ltd carefully considers the selection, purchase and operation of its IT assets, ensuring that the personal data being processed is accessible only to authorized persons, and its origin can be verified and authenticated.

Trenerg Ltd provides technical, IT, organizational and internal measures to maintain the security of data management and to ensure an adequate level of protection of data management risks.

Trenerg Ltd's IT system is protected against computer-aided fraud, espionage, sabotage, vandalism, fire and flood, as well as computer viruses, hacking and denial of service attacks.

Trenerg Ltd informs users that electronic messages transmitted over the Internet, regardless of protocol (e-mail, web, ftp, etc.), are vulnerable to network threats that lead to fraudulent activity, contract disputes, or disclosure. To protect against such threats, Trenerg Ltd will take all reasonable precautions it may require. The systems are monitored to record any security discrepancies and provide evidence.

6. Remedies

The data subject may request information about the processing of his or her personal data and may request the rectification or deletion of his or her personal data, except as provided by law, as indicated at the time of their data collection.

At the request of the data subject, Trenerg Ltd, as data operator, shall provide information about the data it processes or the processor it processes, its purpose, legal basis, duration, data processor's name, address (headquarters) and data processing activities, and the purpose for which the data is received.

The operator shall provide the information in writing, in a clear format, as soon as possible after submission of the request, but not more than 30 days. This information shall be free of charge if the person requesting information has not yet submitted a request for information to the operator concerning the same area in the current year. In other cases, TRENERG will charge a fee.

Trenerg Ltd will delete personal information if:

(a) its management is unlawful,
(b) at the request of the person concerned,
(c) the purpose of the data processing has ceased to exist,
(d) the statutory period for storing the data has expired,
(e) ordered by a court or the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority.

Trenerg Ltd will inform the data subject of the rectification and deletion, as well as anyone to whom the data have previously been transmitted for data management purposes. Notification may be dispensed with if the legitimate interests of the data subject are not prejudiced in view of the purpose of the processing.

The data subject may object to the processing of their personal data if

(a) personal data must be processed (transmitted) solely for the purpose of enforcing the rights or legitimate interests of the operator, unless such processing is required by law;
(b) the use or communication of personal data is for the purpose of direct marketing, opinion polling or scientific research;
(c) the exercise of the right of protest is otherwise permitted by law.

Trenerg Ltd shall, with the simultaneous suspension of the processing of data, investigate the objection as soon as possible and in any event within 30 days of submitting the application and inform the applicant in writing of the result. If the protest is justified, the operator shall terminate the data processing, including further data collection and transfer, and shall block the data and inform anyone to whom the personal data subject to the protest have previously been transmitted of the protest and of the are obliged to take action to enforce the right of protest. If the data subject does not agree with the decision of the operator, they may, within 30 days of being informed, bring the matter before a court.

Trenerg Ltd may not delete the data of the data subject if the data processing is required by law. However, the data may not be forwarded to the recipient if the operator has agreed to the protest or the court has determined that the protest is justified. The data subject may take legal action against the operator in case of violation of his rights. The court will deal with the matter out of turn.

Trenerg Ltd will indemnify the data subject for any damage caused if the data subject has unlawfully processed the data of the data subject or violated the requirements of technical data protection. However, Trenerg Ltd shall be exempt from liability and damages if the damage was caused by an unavoidable cause beyond the scope of the data processing and if the damage resulted from the intentional or grossly negligent conduct of the injured party.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Trenerg Ltd's data management, please contact You have the right to appeal to the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority.

Contact details and data of the operator:
Published and operated by
Represented by Sándor Felber
Headquarters: 2045 Törökbálint, FSD Park 1. Hungary
Trenergholding tax number: 08451122
Date and number of registration: 2013 - 08451122
Hosting Provider: formatc